
There are roughly 350k tech companies in the world. Every tech company needs our product. One single user license per company for a year will generate $63 million in revenue, per year. There are startups, incubators all over the world now, and they all recommend lean startup - customer development. Once the startup kicks off, all of these tech companies needs agile development tool to manage their projects. This product is ideal for venture capital firms, that see a volume of startups.

To continue building the product. We have a 1 year head start to any other startup, trying to do similar based on the maturity of the product. The next 6 months are going to be critical in developing paid user base for the software.

Build an MVP, for product market fit, agile development and lean startup. Next 6 months are growth for customers and pivot on the product, build MVP #2, for revenue, based on customer feedback.

No revenue. Huge excitement in the market, including Sean Ellis, one of the co-founders of lean startup, loving our tweets on twitter!

No press coverage yet. Hoping January 2020, we will!

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