Kundalini Coin - 100000 zillion, team

Description: We just found out that the real kundakini is when 3 part nerves meet inside the Anus, through the stomach, upwards to the brain, can only be opened with harmony, exchange between a male and female, and a reason, e.g. team and a "goal", says the team, facing internal, external and universal, uni like yoni, vagina, verse, like what penis said, and team that reads it. Children that see it. Feel it. The children nodded meaning the head is working too. The unseen are knocking, "protectors, they claim, grand opening", even the devil heard it. It goes to the feet. It's in the throat. It's inside the body. You don't see it. Everyone has it. It keeps the body together. That's because the team doesn't have destructive qualities. Everything has it. It's the glue. It is awakening. Loud. Consequences. It's your fart. It makes you fart. It has a system. It controls the spirit and Amoeba.

Status: Done

Due Date: 01-01-2124



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