Molecular Biology - Extinction of Pussies / Evil

Description: Genetics, giving up. Vahost to alternatives. Time moves, but nothing gets done, compare to normal species. Hallucinations of achievements. Everything turns dark. Begging for survival. Looking for positive energy. Strong force to deny negative behavior. However, extremely jealous of productivity. Contradictory belief system. Blame. Drugs. Comparisons. Constant life analysis. Goals. Narssistic triangles. Relationships analysis. Thought projections. Escape routes. Hiding. No seekers. ADHD. Socially invalidated. False feeling of work. Spying, 24 hours a day. Threatening. However, passive. Feeling of active, projection. Extremely abusive. Downward spiral. Evil. Hate science.

Duration: Infiniti


Project: RPA CEO Shares 2 million

Sprint: LLM

Backlog: RPA

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