Investing in Venture Capital 2023 - Daily Early Morning 2am, Monday Morning - Monkey Brain Interface / FOXP2 PTSD - Deal Flow - Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto, California - Software Updates

Description: Before the actual HARD chip in the head, connect with a few investors from Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto, California, to see which venture capital are affected by FOXP2 and PTSD, affected by Monkey Brain Interface.

Duration: 1 year

Priority: High

Project: Monkey Brain Interface - Version II Funding - International Audience, Sandbox Implementation, Saudi Arabia, Iran & Pakistan, as Customers compared to #g20 #ukraine #money #cryptocurrency #hedge #funds #returns - Invest in #VR2 #WEB4

Sprint: Monkey DNA Sprint

Backlog: Monkey Business Backlog - Venture Capital United Kingdom

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